
Support AiDiAs

Together we are the change - your support counts!

Your contribution is invaluable. With your donation, you are actively helping to make Black businesses more visible and the economy more inclusive. Every amount donated goes directly towards the development of programmes and events that promote the growth and influence of Black entrepreneurs. Together, we can overcome barriers and create opportunities.

Help us to further advance the work of AiDiA.

Thank you for your commitment. Your solidarity brings us closer to a future in which Black entrepreneurs can realise their full potential.

The AiDiA team

You would like to support AiDiA with a direct donation. You can also do this by making a bank transfer to our donation account:

Our bank details:

Recipient: Business Empowerment Hub gUG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Bank: Olinda Branch Office Germany
IBAN: DE34100101235931327414
