
AiDiA Starter Days

Are you interested in setting up a company? And you are eager to learn more about the idea process? Then the AiDiA Starter Days are the right place for you. This 3-day online programme covers the topics of ideation, business model development, pitch deck creation and much more. Register for free. We look forward to seeing you.

Moderation: Brendan

Fri | 01 March

18:00 - 20:00
Kickoff event: Presentation of AiDiA and input on ideation and founder personalities
Moderation: Daniel, Leo, Nina & David

Sat | 02 March

10:00 - 12:00
Pitch your idea, organising the teams and getting to know each other
Moderation: Daniel & Leo

12:30 - 14:00
Input: Vision & Mission Workshop
Moderation: Lucy

15:00 - 18:00
Input: Business Model Canvas
Moderation: Leo

Sun | 03 March

10:00 - 12:00
Pitchdeck Workshop
Moderation: Daniel

12:00 - 15:00
Free working session
Moderation: All

16:00 - 18:00
Pitch your AiDiA, conclusion and next steps
Moderation: All


Register now

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