Pitching, winning and realising start-up dreams
Take the opportunity to present your business idea in front of a renowned jury and a live audience. A total of €53,000 in prize money will be distributed and start-ups will benefit from support services such as coaching, mentoring and workshops to take their business to the next level.
The closing date for applications was 07.04.24.
The advantages of your participation
More than a pitch competition
AiDiA supports you in building up your start-up, professionalising it and scaling it in the long term.
These people are on hand to advise us
Mentors and coaches
Cathérine Ngoli
vaunda Management Consultancy
Cathérine Ngoli
vaunda Management Consultancy
Davis Eisape
Bundesdruckerei Group
Davis Eisape
Bundesdruckerei Group
Heidrun Twesten
Heidrun Twesten
Joshua Müller
Joshua Müller
Neil Heinisch
Neil Heinisch
Patrick Mijnals
SEND, Villa Gründergeist
Patrick Mijnals
SEND, Villa Gründergeist
Sidonie Fernau
Sidonie Fernau
Woundioun Sissoko
Stealth Startup
Woundioun Sissoko
Stealth Startup
Nils Michaelis
Nils Michaelis
Zamina Ahmad
Zamina Ahmad
The application process
How does the application process work?
Our application portal was open for you until 07.04.24. You can use the Typeform form provided to submit all relevant information about your project or startup. As long as you use the same browser on the same device, you have the option to start your application and close it in edit mode. If you return within 2 weeks, your data will be saved in the form.
Learn more
Firstly, find out about our two pitch categories and which one you are eligible for. Select the appropriate category to create your submission and tell us about yourself and your idea. We look forward to receiving applications that show new perspectives and present comprehensible business cases and strong personalities. Once your application has been submitted, it's time to keep your fingers crossed. If your team is among the top 20 applicants, you have the opportunity to be selected for the final via your convincing application video and/or an online pre-pitch in combination with your application.
Eight finalists will be selected by our AiDiA Advisory Board, which is an independent panel of experts from the worlds of business and science. A total of one team per category has the opportunity to go straight through to the final via our social media competition (Golden Ticket). Don't miss out on this opportunity and apply now!
In our how-tos, we give you some important information to help you create a business plan and pitch deck.
The following data is required for the application:
- General data on the team/company
- Business model/business idea
- Product/service
- Motivation
- The team
- Team photos
- Application video
- Pitch deck (only for the founder pitch and must only be submitted after the first selection round)
Your way to the final
01 February
- Registration for Starter Days
01 March
- Start of the Starter Days
03 March
- Start of the application phase
06 May
- Golden Ticket (idea pitch)
12 May
- Pre-Pitch Day (idea pitch)
13 May
- Golden Ticket (founder pitch)
19 May
- Pre-Pitch Day (founder pitch)
16 June
- Announcement of participation in the final
16 June
- Start of the workshops & mentoring sessions
17 August
- Pre-workshops in Hamburg
07 September
- AiDiA Pitch 2024
03.03.24 - Start of application for Pitch 2024
You can submit your application for the AiDiA Pitch 2024 from 3 March. Please note that you must submit all the necessary documents in full by 04/07/2024.
06.05.24 - Golden Ticket (idea pitch)
Win the hearts of the community with creativity and originality: Present your team in a 15-second story video (Instagram/TikTok) and a 60-second video (Instagram Reel/TikTok Video). The social media community will decide on your success through interactions such as likes, comments, shares and saves. The highlight: One team per category wins a direct ticket to the AiDiA final.
12.05.24 - Pre-Pitch Day (idea pitch)
Here you have the opportunity to present your start-up vision to the AiDiA Advisory Board (our pre-jury) for the first time in an online pitch. Your performance will be directly included in the evaluation and will decide whether you make it to the final. Be ready to inspire and leave a lasting impression!
13.05.24 - Golden Ticket (Founder Pitch)
Win the hearts of the community with creativity and originality: Present your team in a 15-second story video (Instagram/TikTok) and a 60-second video (Instagram Reel/TikTok Video). The social media community will decide on your success through interactions such as likes, comments, shares and saves. The highlight: One team per category wins a direct ticket to the AiDiA final.
19.05.24 - Pre-Pitch Day (founder pitch)
Here you have the opportunity to present your start-up vision to the AiDiA Advisory Board (our pre-jury) for the first time in an online pitch. Your performance will be directly included in the evaluation and will decide whether you make it to the final. Be ready to inspire and leave a lasting impression!
16.06.24 - Announcement of final participation / start of workshops & mentoring sessions
At the end of the application process, a total of 8 teams will be selected for the final. 5 teams can qualify for the start-up pitch and 3 teams for the idea pitch. Once the finalists have been announced, intensive preparation for the pitch begins. This takes place in the form of online workshops every fortnight. In addition, each team is assigned a mentor who can respond to the participants' individual questions.
17.08.24 - Pre-workshops in Hamburg
The pre-workshops in Hamburg mark the end of the preparation phase. This is where the finalists meet each other for the first time and get to know the AiDiA team in person. This intensive weekend is all about building your pitch skills. Together with great coaches, you will learn techniques and content that will optimally prepare you for your big performance.
07.09.2024 - AiDiA Pitch 2024
On Saturday, the time has finally come and you have the chance to present your idea in Hamburg in front of a large live audience consisting of startup enthusiasts, investors, potential partners and customers and to network with relevant players. We wish you every success!
The pitch categories
Pitch your business idea on the big stage
The AiDiA Pitch gives you the chance to present your idea to a renowned jury and a live audience in Hamburg and receive valuable feedback for the further development of your business idea.
Our pitch competition offers two categories:
Founder pitch
Founder pitch
Have you already founded a start-up? Then you have the opportunity to win prize money of up to €30,000 for your company's development by taking part in the start-up pitch, in addition to personal mentoring and preparatory workshops before the big event. You will also have the chance to win additional non-cash prizes and the opportunity to present your company exclusively to industry experts and potential investors.
Idea pitch
Idea pitch
Du hast eine Idee, aber noch kein Unternehmen gegründet? Beim Ideenpitch hast du die Möglichkeit, deine Idee auf einer großen Bühne zu präsentieren und dir wertvolles Feedback für die Weiterentwicklung deiner Idee zu holen. Außerdem kannst du an Workshops teilnehmen, um deine Business-„AiDiA“ auf das nächste Level zu heben und dich mit potenziellen Partnern oder Investoren zu vernetzen. Es gibt auch hier die Chance auf ein Preisgeld von bis zu 2.000€.
What criteria are used for evaluation?
The ideas submitted will be assessed on the basis of the following evaluation criteria:
Prizes in kind
At the AiDiA Pitch, the finalists not only have the chance to win prize money, but also non-cash prizes. From coaching on strategic start-up challenges and support in the development of technical solutions to helpful business tools, they can look forward to the support of great partners.
Many thanks to our partners
Our start-ups
Do you still have questions about taking part in the competition?
Click here for our FAQ.
Do you have any other questions?
Then write us a message and we will try to clarify your open questions.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.